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How Can Therapy Help You?

Therapy can be beneficial in a wide variety of ways. Our clinicians are highly trained professionals who have spent many years learning how to best help people learn new ways of coping with whatever struggles they might be facing including depression, anxiety, sexuality concerns, trauma, grief, relationships and intimacy difficulties, and problems with substance use, ADHD, among others.


Your therapist can be a great ally in your personal growth journey,  interpersonal relationships, family matters, marriage problems, and every day situations. As experts in human behavior, we have unique training backgrounds that allow us to help you make those changes in your life that you’d really like to make. We can also offer an outside, non-judgmental perspective on a problem that you might be having difficulty resolving or help guide you to a new viewpoint or solution that you may have never considered or imagined possible.


How much you can benefit from therapy depends on many factors, including how well you make use of the process and implement what you learn. Therapy can be hard work; we at WCT Health & Wellness have the utmost respect for the courage and willingness of those people we serve.

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Stressed Woman

Our therapy is tailored to each client.

We understand there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. I remember when I was looking for help during my struggle with anxiety disorder, it seemed as if no one understood anxiety symptoms well. Talking to me about imagery and deep breathing, seemed pointless to me. At that time, my symptoms were my biggest problem, not my behavior (because I thought my behavior was normal). It was not until I met with a therapist who had a better understanding of anxiety symptoms and why they could last a long time, that I found therapy helpful. Once I found the answers to my symptoms, I could more successfully focus and move on to the offending behaviors as I identified them.


Our therapists address the most important area of your struggle FIRST before moving on to the underlying reasons that may not be apparent to the client. Therefore, we tailor our approach to our client’s needs and not the reverse. This is especially true in the beginning until the main concerns are reduced. 

We meet our clients wherever they are on their journey.

We understand that pushing a client to change does little more than increase their unwillingness. Evidence suggests that working with, rather than against, clients' resistance is optimal. The key is to involve clients at their own pace (unless medically ill-advised) to formulate their own plan of action for treatment. Change is far more likely to occur when clients muster their own (intrinsic) motivation and perceive the decision to change as their own. This is where we use motivational interviewing.

Long Train Ride
Image by Sarune Sedereviciute

We hold "space" for our clients.

That means that we are willing to walk alongside each of our client(s) in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control.


To truly support our clients in their own growth, transformation, grief, etc., we can’t do it by taking their power away (ie. trying to fix their problems), shaming them (ie. implying that they should know more than they do), or overwhelming them (ie. giving them more information than they’re ready for). We have to be prepared to step to the side so that they can make their own choices, offer them unconditional support, give gentle guidance when it’s needed, and make them feel safe even when they make mistakes.

   © WCT Health & Wellness PLLC

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211   Schraffts   Dr.   Waterbury, CT

139   Simsbury   Road   Avon, CT

255   North   Main   Street   Suite   100    Bristol, CT

276 Highland Ave. Suite 2N. Waterbury, CT

850 Straits Turnpike. Suite 101. Middlebury, CT

246 Federal Road Unit D-22 Brookfield, CT 

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